Esri Geoportal Server

Package com.esri.gpt.server.csw.provider.components

CSW provider components.


Interface Summary
ICqlParser Interface for parsing the csw:CqlText portion of a CSW request.
IFilterParser Interface for parsing the ogc:Filter portion of a CSW request.
IOperationProvider Interface for an operation provider.
IOriginalXmlProvider Interface for providing an XML document in it's original schema.
IProviderFactory Interface for instantiating components associated with the execution of a requested CSW operation.
IQueryEvaluator Interface for evaluating a CSW query.
IResponseGenerator Interface for the generation of a CSW operation response.
ISortByParser Interface for parsing the ogc:SortBy portion of a CSW request.
ISupportedValues Interface defining the supported values for a parameter.

Class Summary
AcknowlegementResponse Generates a CSW GetRecords acknowlegement response (resultType=validate).
AnySupportedValues A collection where any value is supported.
CapabilityOptions Options associated with a CSW GetCapabilities request.
CswConstants Defines some commonly used CSW constants.
CswNamespaces Defines CSW name spaces.
DescribeRecordOptions Options associated with a CSW DescribeRecord request.
DescribeRecordResponse Generates a CSW DescribeRecordResponse.
GetCapabilitiesResponse Generates a CSW Capabilities response.
NoSupportedValues A collection where no values are supported.
OperationContext Holds context information associated with an operation.
OperationResponse Represents an operation response.
ParseHelper Provides utilities supporting request parsing.
QueryOptions Options associated with a CSW query request.
RequestHandler Request handler.
RequestOptions Options associated with a CSW operation request.
ServiceProperties Describes the properties associated with a service.
SupportedParameter Defines a supported parameter and it's possible values.
SupportedParameters A map of supported parameters.
SupportedValues Holds a set of supported values associated with a request parameter.
TransactionOptions Options associated with a CSW Transaction request.
TransactionResponse Generates a CSW Transaction response.
TransactionSummary Summary information associated with a CSW Transaction operation.
ValidationHelper Provides utilities supporting request validation.

Exception Summary
OwsException An OGC-OWS related exception.

Package com.esri.gpt.server.csw.provider.components Description

CSW provider components.

Esri Geoportal Server

Copyright 2011 Environmental Systems Research Institute. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.