Esri Geoportal Server


Ldap identity adapter.


Class Summary
LdapClient A client for connection to an LDAP identity store.
LdapConfiguration Stores the primary configuration properties for accessing an external LDAP identity store.
LdapConnectionProperties Defines the configured properties for an LDAP connection.
LdapEditFunctions Handles functionality related to editing an LDAP identity store.
LdapFunctions Super-class for LDAP query/edit functionality.
LdapGroupProperties Defines the configured properties for LDAP group access.
LdapIdentityAdapter Identity adapter for an LDAP based identity store.
LdapNameMapping Maps application names to LDAP names.
LdapProperties Super-class for a configured set of LDAP properties.
LdapQueryFunctions Handles functionality related to querying an LDAP identity store.
LdapUserProperties Defines the configured properties for LDAP user access.

Package Description

Ldap identity adapter.

Esri Geoportal Server

Copyright 2011 Environmental Systems Research Institute. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.