Esri Geoportal Server

Package com.esri.gpt.framework.request

Single request support classes.


Interface Summary
IPageCursor The Interface IPageCursor.
IRequest<RDT extends RequestDefinition<? extends Criteria,? extends Result>> Interface for a query or an action request.
PageCursor.IRecordsPerPageProvider Records per page provider.

Class Summary
ActionCriteria Represents the criteria associated with an action.
ActionResult Represents the result associated with an action.
Criteria Represents the criteria associated with a query or an action.
DaoRequest<RDT extends RequestDefinition<? extends Criteria,? extends Result>> Super-class for a database access request.
Filter Represents a filter.
Filters Maintains a collection of filters.
HybridCriteria<ACT extends ActionCriteria,QCT extends QueryCriteria> Holds both action and query criteria.
HybridResult<ART extends ActionResult,QRT extends QueryResult<? extends Records<? extends Record>>> Holds both an action and query result.
PageCursor Defines parameters associated with a UI page cursor.
QueryCriteria Represents the criteria associated with a query.
QueryResult<RT extends Records<? extends Record>> Represents the result associated with a query.
Record Represents a record within a collection of records.
Records<T extends Record> Maintains a collection of records.
RequestDefinition<CT extends Criteria,RT extends Result> Defines the criteria for and the result of a request.
Result Represents the result associated with a query or an action.
SortOption Defines the option for sorting results.
SortOptionStyleMap Provides a Map interface for setting the style class for a column header.

Enum Summary
SortOption.SortDirection An enumeration describing a the sort direction.

Package com.esri.gpt.framework.request Description

Single request support classes.

Classes found in this package help to implement Request Pattern commonly used in the application. Request Pattern is a standard way to obtain required information from the underlying database, perform action on the selected group of records, or generally, define any kind of request which can be invoked regardles the data source (it doesn't have to be database records to be modified). Request can be a query request or action request depending whether it doesn't or does modify data.

There are several important elements of the pattern:

There are also several minor classes defined, facilitiating sorting feature implementation, filters, hybrid criteria and request.

Suggested way of implementing Request Pattern is to create class of the request inherited from DaoRequest, which have arbitrary action method for example: execute(). This method will read query criteria or action criteria depending of the category of the request, than performs request logic and places result in either query result or action result.

It is advised to keep each result in the servlet request scope, where criteria may be placed in session scope.

Esri Geoportal Server

Copyright 2011 Environmental Systems Research Institute. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.