Esri Geoportal Server 1.0
Interface Summary | |
IMapViewer | The Interface IMapViewer. |
ISearchFilter | The Interface ISearchFilter.defines filters that will be used by the Search Criteria. |
ISearchFilterAuthURI | The Interface ISearchFilterAuthURI. |
ISearchFilterContentTypes | The Interface ISearchFilterContentTypes. |
ISearchFilterKeyword | The Interface ISearchFilterKeyword. |
ISearchFilterPagination | The Interface ISearchFilterPagination. |
ISearchFilterSort | The Interface ISearchFilterSort. |
ISearchFilterSpatialObj | The Interface ISearchFilterSpatialObj. |
ISearchFilterTemporal | The Interface ISearchFilterTemporal. |
ISearchFilterThemes | The Interface ISearchFilterThemes. |
ISearchFilterURI | The Interface ISearchURI. |
ISearchSaveRepository | The Interface ISearchHibernation. |
Class Summary | |
ASearchEngine | Defines operations to be carried out by the search end point. |
GetRecordsGenerator | Generates a CSW GetRecords request from a discovery query. |
GptRepository | The Class GptRepository. |
MapViewerConfigs | The Class MapViewerConfigs. |
MapViewerFactory | Instantiates mapviewer instances and searches for an instance that supports the url/servicetype. |
MapViewerFlex | The Class MapViewerFlex. |
OpenSearchProperties | Maintains property information supporting OpenSearch response elements. |
ResourceIdentifier | Identifies resource and content types. |
ResourceLink | Represents a bind-able link associated with a document or resource. |
ResourceLinkBuilder | Builds the collection of bind-able links associated with a document or resource. |
ResourceLinks | Represents a collection of bind-able links associated with a document or resource. |
RestUrlBuilder | Builds the query parameters for a rest query URL. |
SavedSearchCriteria | The Class SearchSaveBean. |
SavedSearchCriterias | The Class SavedSearchCriterias. |
SearchConfig | The Class SearchConfig. |
SearchCriteria | The class SearchCriteria. |
SearchEngineCSW | The class SearchEngineCSW. |
SearchEngineExternalCsw | The Class SearchEngineExternalCsw. |
SearchEngineFactory | A factory for creating Search Data Access Objects. |
SearchEngineLocal | CSW based search engine that executes against the local GPT catalog. |
SearchEngineRest | The class SearchEngineCSW. |
SearchFilterConnection | The Class SearchFilterConnection. |
SearchFilterContentTypes | The Class SearchFilterContentTypes. |
SearchFilterHarvestSites | The Class SearchFilterHarvestSites. |
SearchFilterHarvestSpatial | The Class SearchFilterHarvestSpatial. |
SearchFilterKeyword | Class representing keyword filter in search. |
SearchFilterPagination | The Class SearchFilterPagination. |
SearchFiltersList | The Class SearchFiltersList. |
SearchFilterSort | The Class SearchFilterSort. |
SearchFilterSpatial | The Class SearchFilterSpatial. |
SearchFilterTemporal | The Class SearchFilterTemporal. |
SearchFilterThemeTypes | The Class SearchFilterTheme. |
SearchGptXslProfile | The Class SearchGptProfile. |
SearchGptXslProfiles | The Class SearchGptProfiles. |
SearchParameterMap | The Class SearchParameterMap. |
SearchPointOptions | The Class SearchPointOptions. |
SearchPointOptionsIo | The Class SearchPointOptionsIo. |
SearchRequestDefinition | The Class SearchRequestDefinition. |
SearchResult | The Class SearchResult. |
SearchResultRecord | The Class SearchResultRecord. |
SearchResultRecords | The Class SearchResultRecords. |
SearchSaveBean | The Class SearchSaveBean. |
SearchSaveRpstryFactory | The Class SearchSaveRepository. |
XsltResourceIdentifier | Identifies resource and content type |
Enum Summary | |
ISearchFilterKeyword.KeySearchTextOptions | The keys of the search text options. |
ISearchFilterSpatialObj.OptionsBounds | Options of what bounds to use for search. |
ResourceLinkBuilder.ServiceType | Service types. |
SearchCriteria.OptionSaveLocation | Where to save the search criteria to. |
SearchEngineCSW.AimsContentTypes | ArcIMS content types |
SearchEngineCSW.Scheme | The Enum Scheme. |
SearchFilterConnection.OptionConnect | The Enum OptionConnect. |
SearchFilterSort.OptionsSort | The Enum OptionsSort. |
SearchFilterSpatial.SaveParams | The Enum SaveParams. |
SearchFilterTemporal.SelectedTimePeriod | The Enum SelectedTimePeriod. |
Exception Summary | |
SearchException | General exception class used by package. |
SearchPointOptionsException | The Class SearchPointOptionsException. |
Package contains classes pertaining to performing a search on the selected search interface.
Create a new search filter object that either inherits from ISearchFilter, or from one of the SearchFilter* classes. If JSF is being used, the custom filter class can be made into a managed bean so that its properties can be set on the Search JSP page.
The new custom filter should then be added to the searchCriteria.
Search Criteria searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria();
CustomFilter filter = new CustomFilter();
If you are using JSF and you can do the above by adding the custom filter managed bean into the Search Criteria's misselleniousFilters list in the WEB-INF/gpt-faces-config.xml.
During Search, your filter will be translated into an xml representation togather with all the other filters. The xsd for this representation can be fould at WEB-INF/class/gpt/search/gptNativeSearch.xsd. This xml is then transformed into a CSW request using the gpt2csw_OGCCore.xslt. Your last step will therefore be to customize the xslt so that your custom search filter parameters can affect the query.
WARNING: Its important to have all your custom filter classes in the miscellaneous filter list have unique classnames (Object.class.getCanonicalName). If a search criteria is saved, the uniqueness in the names of the classes in the miscellaneous filter list will be important in recreating the new saved search criteria. NOTE: In order for your search filter to work, you may have to
RestQueryServlet.parseRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, com.esri.gpt.framework.context.RequestContext)
Relates the rest query to the CSW query.
RestQueryServlet.toSearchCriteria(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, com.esri.gpt.framework.context.RequestContext, com.esri.gpt.catalog.discovery.rest.RestQuery)
The method relates the custom search filter object to the rest parameters,
and adds the custom search filter to a search criteria object.
<servlet> <servlet-name>RestQueryServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.esri.gpt.control.georss.CustomQueryServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>bundleBaseName</param-name> <param-value>gpt.resources.gpt</param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>6</load-on-startup> </servlet>
The parameters you put in at \repository\parameters[@key, @value] will be passed
on to the search engine of your choice as attributes. These values will be
initialized in the search engine as shown in the below sequence diagram.
Currently the id of the harvest repository or the key given in the repository item is input into the Search Factory via the search interfaces (HTML, REST ...). The searchFactory will get the host URL from the harvest repository if one exists . This is the URL associated with the id. The Search Factory will then sequentially go down the Search Engine list in the XML file. It will attempt a match the URL with each \@key. first match will be the search engine used for the search.
If the URL does not yield any Search Engine Object, then the Search Engine Factory will take the input repository id to match against the \\@key as it did for the id's URL, i.e. The searchFactory will sequentially go down the repository list in the xml file. The first match will be the match that will be used for the search.
Esri Geoportal Server 1.0