Esri Geoportal Server

Package com.esri.gpt.catalog.schema

Provides the underlying component objects associated with metadata schema's defined in a declarative manner by configurable XML documents.


Interface Summary
Predicate Helps selecting desired parameters.

Class Summary
CfgContext Provides a context supporting schema configuration.
Code Code component associated with a parameter's content.
Codes Defines a code collection.
Component Super-class for a configurable component associated with a metadata schema.
Content Content component associated with a metadata schema.
ContentValue Stores a string value associated with a parameter's content.
ContentValues Defines a list of content values.
EsriTags Maintains information associated with ESRI tags within a metadata document.
Input Super-class for an input component associated with a metadata schema.
InputDelimitedTextArea Input delimited text area component associated with a metadata parameter.
InputMap Interactive map component.
InputSelectManyCheckbox Select many checkbox input component associated with a metadata parameter.
InputSelectOneMenu Select one menu input component associated with a metadata parameter.
InputSelectWithOther Select one menu input component with an "Other" option for inputing text.
InputText Input text component associated with a metadata parameter.
InputTextArea Input text area component associated with a metadata parameter.
InputTextArray An array of input text components associated with a metadata parameter.
Interrogation Interrogation component associated with a metadata schema.
Label Label component associated with a metadata schema.
Meaning Stores values that ascribe meaning to a document.
MetadataDocument Provides functionality to connect a Schema with a metadata document.
Namespace Namespace component associated with a metadata schema.
NamespaceContextImpl Provides an implementation of NamespaceContext for a Namespaces collection.
Namespaces Defines a collection of namespaces associated with a schema.
Parameter Parameter component associated with a metadata schema.
Parameters Defines a collection of metadata parameters.
Schema Defines a metadata schema.
SchemaFactory Provides a factory for instantiating schema component objects.
Schemas Defines a collection of metadata schemas.
Section Section component associated with a metadata schema.
Sections Defines a collection of metadata sections.
UiComponent Super-class for a configurable UI component associated with a metadata schema.
UiContext Provides a context supporting the active UI request.
Validation Validation component associated with a metadata schema.
ValidationError Describes an error that occurred during validation.
ValidationErrors Defines a list of validation errors.
XsdValidator Validates a document against an XML Schema Definition file.

Exception Summary
SchemaException An exception encountered while processing a metadata schema.
UnrecognizedSchemaException Thrown during schema interrogation when an unrecognized schema is encountered.
ValidationException An exception encountered while validating a schema.

Package com.esri.gpt.catalog.schema Description

Provides the underlying component objects associated with metadata schema's defined in a declarative manner by configurable XML documents.

The schema's supported by the application are defined by the following document:
gpt/metadata/schemas.xml <!-- Root element for the schemas collection. --> <schemas> <!-- One or more schema elements. fileName = The relative path to the schema definition file. Required. e.g. <schema fileName="gpt/metadata/fgdc-definition.xml"/> --> <schema fileName=""/> </schemas>
The structure for a metadata schema's declarative definition document is as follows:
gpt/metadata/[schemaKey]-definition.xml <!-- Root element for the schema. key = The key for the schema. Required, must be unique. templateFile = The relative path to the template file. Required. editable = Determines whether the schema should be displayed on the Create Metadata page. Optional, default=true, valid values: true|false detailsXslt = The relative path to an XSLT that transforms an XML document of this type to an HTML fragment for display on the Metadata Details page. Optional. cswOutputSchema = The CSW output schema (namespace) associated with the document Typically applies if the document can generate non Dublin Core responses. Optional. cswBriefXslt = The relative path to an XSLT that transforms an XML document of this type into it's brief CSW response. Typically applies if the document can generate non Dublin Core responses. Optional. cswSummaryXslt = The relative path to an XSLT that transforms an XML document of this type into it's summary CSW response. Typically applies if the document can generate non Dublin Core responses. Optional. xsdLocation = Sets the location of the XML Schema Definition file for the metadata standard. If supplied, documents will be validated against the XSD prior to publication. e.g. <schema key="fgdc" templateFile="gpt/metadata/fgdc-template.xml" editable="true"> --> <schema key="" templateFile="" editable="" detailsXslt="" cswOutputSchema="" cswBriefXslt="" cswSummaryXslt="" xsdLocation=""> <!-- The label for the schema. (required) resourceKey = The UI property bundle resource key. Required. e.g. <label resourceKey="catalog.mdParam.schema.fgdc"/> --> <label resourceKey=""/> <!-- Zero, one or many namespace elements for the schema. (optional) prefix = The namespace prefix. Required. uri = The URI associated with the namespace. Required. e.g. <namespace prefix="gmd" uri=""/> --> <namespace prefix="" uri=""/> <!-- Specifies an expression to be used when interrogating a metadata document to determine if it matches this schema. (required) count = An XPath expression that counts nodes matching this schema. Required. e.g. <interrogation count="count(/metadata/dataIdInfo/*[node()])"/> --> <interrogation count=""/> <!-- One or more sections within the schema. key = The key for the section. Required, must be unique. obligation = The obligation associated with the section. Optional, default=mandatory, valid values: mandatory|optional|exclusive open = Indicates if the section should be open by default within the metadata editor. When the obligation is "optional" or "exclusive", the section's open status for existing documents is determined by presence (if the sections is contained within the document, it will be open). Optional, default=true, valid values: true|false select = An XPath expression used to determine if a section is present. Optional (should be supplied when the obligation is "optional" or "exclusive"). delete = An XPath expression to determine nodes to delete when a non-mandatory section is closed. Optional. useSelectForDelete = Indicates that the XPath expression specified by the "select" to determine nodes to delete when a non-mandatory section is closed. This attribute is ignored if a "delete" expression has been supplied. Optional, default=true, valid values: true|false e.g. <section key="identification"> --> <section key="" obligation="" open="" select="" delete="" useSelectForDelete=""> <!-- The label for the section. resourceKey = The UI property bundle resource key. Required. e.g. <label resourceKey="catalog.mdParam.identification.caption"/> --> <label resourceKey=""/> <!-- One or more parameters associated with the section. key = The key for the parameter. Required, must be unique. meaning = Ascribes meaning to the parameter. Most schema parameters are treated in an abstract fashion, their associated meaning is unknown. Several parameters are critical for publication and meaning is required. Optional, valid values: title|fileIdentifier|abstract|esriDocID| envelope.east|envelope.north|envelope.south|envelope.west| thumbnail.binary|thumbnail.url visible = Determines if the parameter should be displayed. Optional, default=true, valid values: true|false e.g. <parameter key="identification.title" visible="true" meaning="title"> --> <parameter key="" meaning="" visible=""> <!-- The label for the parameter. (optional) resourceKey = The UI property bundle resource key. Required. e.g. <label resourceKey="catalog.mdParam.identification.title"/> --> <label resourceKey=""/> <!-- The input component associated with the parameter. (optional) type = The type of input component. Optional, default=text, valid values: text|textArea|delimitedTextArea|textArray|map| selectOneMenu|selectManyCheckbox|selectWithOther| defaultValue = The default value for the parameter. Can be specified directly or as a Faces value binding. Optional. e.g. defaultValue="Untitled" e.g. defaultValue="#{EditMetadataController.newUuid}" editable = Determines if the input control is editable. If not, the component will appear within the Metadata Editor, but input will be disabled. Optional, default=true, valid values: true|false hintResourceKey = A UI property bundle resource key used to generate hint text to the right of the input component. For instance, the input format for a date field can be supplied with a hint resource key. Optional. hintMode = The mode used to display a hint. Optional, default=inline, valid values: inline|tip|toggle maxlength = The maximum length of an HTML INPUT TEXT box. Applies when type="text" or type="textArray". Optional, default=2048. size = The size of an HTML INPUT TEXT box. Applies when type="text" or type="textArray". Optional, default=50. cols = The number of HTML TEXTAREA columns. Applies when type="textArea" or type="delimitedTextArea". Optional, default=60. rows = The number of HTML TEXTAREA columns. Applies when type="textArea" or type="delimitedTextArea". Optional, default=8. delimiter = The delimiter to use when converting multiple XML text nodes to/from and HTML TEXTAREA component. Applies when type="delimitedTextArea". Optional, default=",". arraySize = The number of input text components to generate. Applies when type="textArray". Optional, default=1. otherCodeKey = The code key associated with the "Other" option. Applies when type="selectWithOther". Optional, default="". width = The integer width for an interactive map (in pixels). Applies when type="map". Optional, default=600. height = The integer height for an interactive map (in pixels). Applies when type="map". Optional, default=300. styleClass = The CSS style class name for an interactive map. Applies when type="map". Optional, default="". e.g. <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="10" hintResourceKey="catalog.general.inputDateFormat" defaultValue="#{}"/> --> <input type="" defaultValue="" editable="" hintResourceKey="" hintMode="" maxlength="" size="" cols="" rows="" delimiter="" arraySize="" otherCodeKey="" width="" height="" styleClass=""/> <!-- The validation component associated with the parameter. (optional) required = Determines if the parameter is required. Optional, default=false, valid values: true|false valueType = The type of value associated with the parameter. Optional, default=string, valid values: string|date|double|email|integer e.g. <validation required="false" valueType="date"/> --> <validation required="" valueType=""/> <!-- Describes the content for this parameter. (required) nodeType = The type of node within a metadata document Optional, default=single, valid values: single|list|gcoList|isoCodeListValue useSelectForUpdate = Indicates if the XPath expression specified by the select attribute should also be used to perform updates to this parameter's value. Optional, default=false, valid values: true|false deleteParentIfEmpty = Indicates that the parent node should be deleted if the an empty value for the parameter was supplied within the editor. Optional, default=false, valid values: true|false deleteParentIfEmpty = Indicates that the parent node should be deleted if the an empty value for the parameter was supplied within the editor. Optional, default=false, valid values: true|false select = An XPath expression to select the parameter's value. Required. update = An XPath expression to select the node to update with the parameter's value. Optional (if empty and useSelectForUpdate is false, the parameter value will not be updated) delete = An XPath expression to determine nodes to delete if a parameter's value is empty. Optional. e.g. <content useSelectForUpdate="true" select="/metadata/metainfo/metastdn"/> --> <content nodeType="" useSelectForUpdate="" deleteIfEmpty="" deleteParentIfEmpty="" select="" update="" delete=""> <!-- Container for a collection of codes that defined a value domain for the parameter. Applies when the input type is selectOneMenu or selectManyCheckbox. --> <codes> <!-- One or more codes within the collection. key = The key for the code. Required (but the key for one code can be empty, this will represent the "none specified" option). Must be unique within the collection of codes. resourceKey = The UI property bundle resource key. Required. e.g. <code key="documentDigital" resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.presentationForm.documentDigital"/> --> <code key="" resourceKey=""/> </codes> </content> </parameter> </section> </schema>

Esri Geoportal Server

Copyright 2011 Environmental Systems Research Institute. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.