Esri Geoportal Server 1.0
Interface Summary | |
IParserProxy | Proxy to the external query parser. |
Class Summary | |
AclFilter | A filter that provides access control at a document level. |
AclProperty | Represents the access control property associated with a document. |
AnyTextProperty | Represents the a virtual property associated with the execution of a multi-field query parser. |
DatastoreField | Represents a field that is held within the underlying data store. |
DatastoreFields | Represents a collection of fields that are held within the underlying data store. |
DiscoveryClauseAdapter | Super-class for the adaptation of a catalog discovery clause to the Lucene model. |
DoubleField | A non-tokenized field that allows for Double value comparison. |
GeometryProperty | Represents the bounding envelope associated with a document. |
Locator | Locator. |
Locator.Candidate | Candidate. |
Locator.ScoreComparator | Score comparator. |
LogicalClauseAdapter | Adapts a catalog discovery LogicalClause to the Lucene BooleanQuery model. |
LongField | A non-tokenized field that allows for Long value comparison. |
LowerCaseField | A non-tokenized field stored in lower case allowing case insensitive exact or range comparison. |
LuceneConfig | Maintains configuration information associated with a Lucene based index. |
LuceneIndexAdapter | Maintains a Lucene index of approved metadata documents. |
LuceneIndexOptimizer | Background thread to optimize the Lucene index. |
LuceneIndexSynchronizer | A process to ensure that the Lucene index in synchronized with the database catalog. |
LuceneQueryAdapter | Adapts a catalog discovery query to the Lucene model. |
ParserAdaptorInfo | Parser adaptor info. |
ParserAdaptorInfos | Collection of parser adaptor infos. |
PropertyClauseAdapter | Adapts a catalog discovery PropertyClause to the Lucene model. |
ReferenceField | A non-indexed field that will not be searched but is stored for retrieval. |
SchemaFilter | A filter that limits the response to a specific schema name. |
SpatialClauseAdapter | Adapts a catalog discovery SpatialClause to the Lucene model. |
SpatialRankingValueSource | An implementation of the Lucene ValueSource model to support spatial relevance ranking. |
StandardNetworkParserAdaptor | Standard network parser adaptor. |
Storeable | Represents a data store property associated with a document. |
Storeables | Essentially defines the storage schema for documents indexed within Lucene. |
TermsField | A tokenized field that allows for term and parser based expression queries. |
TimestampField | A non-tokenized field that allows for date/time comparison. |
Utilities | Provides some generic supporting utilities. |
Indexing and search technology.
Esri Geoportal Server 1.0