Esri Geoportal Server

Package com.esri.gpt.catalog.lucene

Indexing and search technology.


Interface Summary
IParserProxy Proxy to the external query parser.

Class Summary
AclFilter A filter that provides access control at a document level.
AclProperty Represents the access control property associated with a document.
AnyTextProperty Represents the a virtual property associated with the execution of a multi-field query parser.
DatastoreField Represents a field that is held within the underlying data store.
DatastoreFields Represents a collection of fields that are held within the underlying data store.
DiscoveryClauseAdapter Super-class for the adaptation of a catalog discovery clause to the Lucene model.
DoubleField A non-tokenized field that allows for Double value comparison.
GeometryProperty Represents the bounding envelope associated with a document.
Locator Locator.
Locator.Candidate Candidate.
Locator.ScoreComparator Score comparator.
LogicalClauseAdapter Adapts a catalog discovery LogicalClause to the Lucene BooleanQuery model.
LongField A non-tokenized field that allows for Long value comparison.
LowerCaseField A non-tokenized field stored in lower case allowing case insensitive exact or range comparison.
LuceneConfig Maintains configuration information associated with a Lucene based index.
LuceneIndexAdapter Maintains a Lucene index of approved metadata documents.
LuceneIndexOptimizer Background thread to optimize the Lucene index.
LuceneIndexSynchronizer A process to ensure that the Lucene index in synchronized with the database catalog.
LuceneQueryAdapter Adapts a catalog discovery query to the Lucene model.
ParserAdaptorInfo Parser adaptor info.
ParserAdaptorInfos Collection of parser adaptor infos.
PropertyClauseAdapter Adapts a catalog discovery PropertyClause to the Lucene model.
ReferenceField A non-indexed field that will not be searched but is stored for retrieval.
SchemaFilter A filter that limits the response to a specific schema name.
SpatialClauseAdapter Adapts a catalog discovery SpatialClause to the Lucene model.
SpatialRankingValueSource An implementation of the Lucene ValueSource model to support spatial relevance ranking.
StandardNetworkParserAdaptor Standard network parser adaptor.
Storeable Represents a data store property associated with a document.
Storeables Essentially defines the storage schema for documents indexed within Lucene.
TermsField A tokenized field that allows for term and parser based expression queries.
TimestampField A non-tokenized field that allows for date/time comparison.
Utilities Provides some generic supporting utilities.

Package com.esri.gpt.catalog.lucene Description

Indexing and search technology.

Esri Geoportal Server

Copyright 2011 Environmental Systems Research Institute. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.